
Banners plugin allows you to display ads in various places of your site. Ads are displayed and rotated automatically. You may also choose who to display ads to, for example you may display ads to free users and hide them from paid users.

Manage groups

Ads are organized into “groups”. Each group may have as many ads as you like. If there’s more than one ad in a group, software will rotate them.

To create a new group, click on “new group” link at the top of the page.

Keyword text box must contain a unique keyword from alpha-numeric characters that will identify your ad group. It’s not shown anywhere and is used by the system to display ads in this group.

Display code text area contains code that you may insert into template files where you would like to display ads in this group. Think of it as a “hot spot” for ads. Once inserted, system will know that you want to display ads there. By default templates come with a few hot spots – header, sidebar, footer, etc. Any ads you place in those groups will be automatically displayed on your site. For any new groups you create, you will need to insert related code into template files where you’d like to display them.

Manage banners

To see existing ads in this group, click on “banners” link at the top of this page.

Create banner

To create a new ad, click on new “banner” link at the top of this page.

Keyword text box must contain a unique keyword from alpha-numeric characters that will identify your ad. It’s not shown anywhere and is used by the system to display this ad.

HTML code text box is where you should insert your ad code. Most ad services (such as Google Adsense) will provide you with necessary code to display their ads. Or you may insert your own HTML code to display ads and/or content of your choice. You may click on the tabs at the top to insert different ad code for different screen sizes. If you don’t insert any code for a particular screen size, system won’t display anything. Note that you should not be using “responsive” ads, instead use screen size tabs at the top to insert ads with predefined dimensions and software will automatically choose the best one to display based on user’s device.

Count clicks setting enables the system to try and count how many times this ad has been clicked on. Note that depending on your ad, system might not be able to count user clicks properly. It may also be against your ad service terms and regulations so make sure you find that out before enabling this setting.

Maximum views and Maximum clicks settings allow you to stop showing the ad if either of those limits have been reached. Leave them at 0 for unlimited views and clicks.

Start date and End date settings allow you to show ads starting on specific date, or ending on specific date. This is useful if you want to schedule ads to show up in the future, for example if someone paid you for a specific time period. Leave them blank to show ads at all times.

Display in secure mode setting allows you to not display this ad if user browses your site in secure mode. Secure mode is when you see https:// instead of https:// in the browser’s address bar, for example