
Manage payment gateways

This page allows you to install payment gateways you would like to use on your site.

To install payment gateway, click on “install” link and then on “settings” to configure its settings. If you have multiple payment gateways active, your users will be able to choose their preferred one at the checkout.

Note that some payment gateways require you to install SSL certificate on your site for security. You may contact your hosting provider for assistance with SSL certificate installation if necessary.

Upload payment gateway files

If you haven’t uploaded your payment gateway files yet, you may upload them to the “application/libraries/payments” folder on your server. For example if your payment gateway comes with “stripe” folder and “stripe.php” file, after uploading them you should have “application/libraries/payments/stripe.php” file and “application/libraries/payments/stripe” folder present. After uploading you should see it in control panel. If you don’t see it, it means you did not upload it correctly.

Payment gateway configuration

See below for instructions on how to enable and configure the following payment gateways: