
Manage news settings

This page allows you to edit various billing plugin settings.


Enable news

Enable news plugin.

Use as site blog

If enabled, instead of seeing in your address bar, you will see

Articles per page

Number of articles articles per page.

Infinite scrolling

System will automatically load and display articles as user scrolls down to the bottom of the page. If disabled system will display traditional page links.

Articles rating

Enable either “likes” for your articles, or “star” rating from 1 to 5, or disable it completely. Note that you may also disable rating for certain articles when creating them.

Count article views

Count number of times article was viewed.

Article preview length

Number of characters to display from the article when browsing articles.

Enable social sharing

Show predefined social sharing buttons such as Facebook, Twitter, etc. You may enter code for such buttons on the system settings page.


Enable comments

Enable article comments. Note that you may also disable comments for certain articles when creating them.

Cover picture

Picture dimensions

Resize cover pictures to these dimensions.

Preview picture dimensions

Dimensions of the cover picture when viewing article.

Small picture dimensions

Dimensions of the cover picture when viewing multiple articles.

Max picture dimensions

Maximum picture dimensions users can upload.

Max picture file size

Maximum picture file size in megabytes.

Show cover picture

Enable to show cover picture in the article. If you disable it, cover picture will not be shown but may still be used when sharing the article on different sites such as Facebook, Twitter, etc.

Large watermark image

Apply watermark image on large cover picture.

Small watermark image

Apply watermark image on cover picture thumbnail.