Video encoders

Manage video encoders

This page allows you to manage video encoding libraries which allow users to upload videos from their computers or mobile devices. System encodes uploaded videos into web compatible format so they can be viewed online. It’s possible to create new encoding libraries to support other services.

Only one encoding library can be active at any given time.

Upload video encoder libraries

If you haven’t uploaded your video encoder library files yet, you may upload them to the “application/libraries/videoencoders” folder on your server.

For example if your video encoder library comes with “heywatch” folder and “heywatch.php” file, after uploading them you should have “application/libraries/videoencoders/heywatch.php” file and “application/libraries/videoencoders/heywatch” folder present. After uploading you should see it in control panel. If you don’t see it, it means you did not upload it correctly.

Video encoder library configuration

See below for instructions on how to enable integration with the following networks: