
User authentication methods

This page allows you to select which authentication methods your users may use to sign up and login to your site.

The Default method allows your users to sign up on your site using the traditional email/password method. Alternatively you may enable support for third party networks such as Facebook, Twitter, etc for your users to sign up with. By using third party authentication, your users will not have to create and remember another password.

Upload authentication libraries

If you haven’t uploaded your authentication library files yet, you may upload them to the “application/libraries/authentication” folder on your server. For example if your authentication library comes with “facebook” folder and “facebook.php” file, after uploading them you should have “application/libraries/authentication/facebook.php” file and “application/libraries/authentication/facebook” folder present. After uploading you should see it in control panel. If you don’t see it, it means you did not upload it correctly.

Authentication library configuration

See below for instructions on how to enable integration with the following networks: