Manage users

Manage users

The “manage users” page allows you edit, delete and perform other various actions to your website’s users. Clicking on the table header links, such as “user” or “join date” will sort users by that column.

Featured column allows you to set selected users are “featured”. You may use this option to display certain users on the homepage, or make them somehow stand out across the site.

Status column identifies if user is active or not. Active users will show up on your website and will be able to login. If user is inactive, they won’t be shown on the website and will not be able to login. By default users will always be active unless you configured the system to approve users manually, in which case you will need to review and approve them in the control panel yourself.

Verified column identifies if user verified their email address or not. Verified users will be able to login to their account while those who did not verify their email will not. You may configure the system to require email verification (default) or not.

The search filter at the top of the page allows you to quickly find specific users by email, group, type and other parameters. In the “user” text box you may specify user’s username, email, name or IP address. You may use * wild card for broader results. For example “admin” (without quotes) will match only “admin” in username or name. However “admin*” (without quotes) will match “admin”, “administrator”, “admins”, etc. Same applies to emails, for example “*” will match all users.

At the bottom right you will find a drop down box that allows you to apply various actions to several users at once. For example you may select “approve” in the drop down box to approve selected users, or “approve + email” to approve them and send confirmation emails.

Edit user

To edit user click on “edit” link on the “manage users” page. 

The “edit user” page will show some basic user details. You may click on one of the tabs at the top to edit user’s profile, notifications, privacy or other settings. You may also click on the “login” button at the top right to sign into user’s account.