
Manage settings

This page allows you to edit plugin settings.


Enable gifts

Enable gifts plugin.

Gifts per page

Number of gifts in user’s profile.

Infinite scrolling

System will automatically load and display gifts as user scrolls down to the bottom of the page. If disabled system will display traditional page links.

Enable privacy options

User can send gifts anonymously or hire their name from public viewers.

Picture dimensions

Gift image will be resized to these dimensions. Set to 0 to allow animated GIF images.

Thumbnail dimensions

Gift thumbnail image will be resized to these dimensions. Set to 0 to allow animated GIF images.

Enable credits

If disabled all gifts will be free, even if you have specified credits in some of them.


Enable personal message

User can include their own personal message when sending gifts.

Maximum message length

Maximum number of characters allowed in personal messages

Enable emoticons

Replace text shortcuts with emoticon images (smileys).

Censor messages

Remove censored words from messages, only if related user group’s permission is also enabled.

Enable notifications

System will send users an email or push notification when someone sends them a gift. Number of notifications can be limited with the notifications delay setting.