
Manage languages

This page allows you to create, install and translate language packs for your website.

You may install available language packs by clicking on the “install” link. If the language pack is missing certain content, system will automatically fill in the blanks by using the content from your default language pack. For example if you have English language pack as default and install French language pack that is not fully translated, system will use content from the English language pack to fill in the untranslated content.

If you uninstall a language pack that is selected by some of your users, those uses will be automatically updated to use your site’s default language pack.

You may also prevent users from changing templates by enabling override language setting under “system – settings – localization”.

Upload language packs

If you haven’t uploaded your language pack yet, you may upload it to the “application/languages” folder on your server. For example if your language pack files are located in the “french” folder, after uploading it you should have “application/languages/french” folder with the template files in it. After uploading you should see it in control panel. If you don’t see it, it means you did not upload it correctly.

Create language pack

If the language pack you’re interested in is not available, you may easily create it yourself by clicking on “new language pack” link. Once created, you will need to translate it yourself, software will not do it for you.

Export and import language packs

Exporting and importing language packs is useful if you would like to share your language pack with someone, or if you prefer to translate it by editing files rather than through the control panel. You may also use it as a backup to ensure your translated content is saved in the files in addition to being saved in the database.

To export language pack, click on “export” link and system will generate a set of language files in the “application/languages/your_language” folder. You must make sure that the folder is writable before you export the language pack.

To import language pack files into the database, click on “import” link. System will then insert all content from language pack files into the database. Note that if duplicate content already exists in the database, it will not be overwritten. For example if you have “my blogs” translated as “My blogs” but language pack files have “My awesome blogs”, system will keep “My blogs” by default. However if you’re missing “My blogs” entry, it will add “My awesome blogs” from the language pack.

Create language packs

You may create your own language pack by clicking on “new language pack” link.

Name is what system will use to display it on your site if you allow users to select preferred language.

Keyword must contain only alpha-numeric characters in it, system will use throughout the software but it won’t be visible anywhere.

Country drop down box allows you to select related country so that the system can show country flag for your language pack.

Language drop down box is used by the system to tell search engines what language your site is displayed in. Usually it will be the same as what you have in the “name” text box, unless of course you named your language differently.

Translate language pack

Click on “translate” link on the “manage languages” page and then select the plugin you’d like to translate. Translation column allows you to easily see percentage of translated content in different plugins.

Once you selected a plugin, you will see a list of language items you may translate.

Language items are organized into sections for performance purposes. You may select preferred section from the drop down box at the top.

Do not remove or translate words that contain % symbol in front of them, or [ and ] around them. For example if you see “%blogs posts” you may translate “posts” word but leave “%blogs” as is. Same goes for something like “[name] left a comment”, make sure the word in brackets remains intact. System uses that as a keyword and if you change or remove it, language item might not be displayed correctly.

If you see words that have % symbols around them, you may translate them but you must leave those %symbols intact. For example “I have read and agree to the %terms of service%”. If you change or remove % symbols, language item might not be displayed correctly.

If you see (cp) it means that this particular item is only displayed in the control panel. This may be useful if you would like to translate only the front end of the language pack and don’t care about the control panel.